Our Story: Meet Amy & Inga

Thank you, thank you, thank you for landing on these words.

Just think of all the things that needed to happen for you to land here at this specific moment in time! Divine timing. 

For some time, a long time, Inga & Amy, then strangers would dream of building a community of healing, growth and expansion.


Like minded souls coming together in a shared intention of healing and authenticity. 

Spirit brought Amy & Inga together, first by asking Inga to host a Healer’s Market in her hometown of Angleton. 

This was a BIG deal for the small town. 

The Brazos River Healers Market birthed so many new friendships!

It was like a ‘coming out of the broom’ closet for the residents & practitioners in southern Texas. 

Amy & Inga began a friendship that they both intuitively knew would end up in co-creation.

As they began to share their dreams, passions & enthusiasm, IDEAS literally came alive!

Amy had a vision of a small retreat for women & spirit guided her to contact Inga.

The first official Healing The Divine Feminine Medicine Retreat was then born.

This was the biggest thing they had ever DONE!

It all flowed with ease, just as all things do with divine guidance.

Over 60 women attended HTDF, this was confirmation that this type of experience is soo needed in the lives of the collective feminine.

So here we are together DOING THIS. We are proud to offer spiritual plant medicine retreats & Self-Mastery workshops all around the world!


Inga & Amy